Damages to Avoid Your Prized Watch From!

“Preventing damage on Star Wars Watch with Black Silicone Strap will not just endure its longevity but also save you massive repair costs.”

Watches are usually designed in a manner so that they last for lifetime. No, this is definitely not a myth. As a matter of fact, watches can actually last for multiple lifetimes. However, that certainly depends a lot on you and you’re handling and maintenance of watches like the Star Wars Watch with Black Silicone Strap. You must service your watches every 5 years at least to keep it smoothly running even after every day wear and tear. But, even then after withstanding the daily wear, watches can be prone to easy damage.514PkOoszsL._UX466_

Here are the everyday possibilities of damaging your favorite watch like the Star Wars Unisex Watch and the feasible solutions to them:


Your storage habit and space matters heavily when speaking of watches. Proper storage will ensure the watch in avoiding damage and run smoothly. The gasket and movements of the watch can be tampered if stored in extreme temperatures. Again, sudden shift from very hot to very cool temperatures may also cause contraction and expansion of watch parts which can open an entry of sorts to vapour into the movement and dial causing damage. Thus, it is ideal to make a gradual shift of environmental conditions and storing your Star Wars Black Watch in room temperatures.


This is one of the most common mistakes that watch users tend to make because it seems convenient and easy to set the time or wind the watch while it is still on your wrist. But, you are not aware of the harm you perhaps are doing to your watch. This may either lead to over-winding or pulling out the crown by accident. You surely do not want to hamper the watch movement by moving the crown at a wrong angle. Only when you remove the watch from the wrist, the crown will pull out at the correct angle. You can then accordingly set the time. The resistance can be felt when the mainspring is completely wound. Thus, when you feel resistance, wound no more.Star Wars Unisex Watch


Dropping the watch is another common and easy accident that can potentially damage the watch. The severity of the damage depends on the surface of the fall rather than the height from which the fall occurs. The watch might also be impacted when it collides against a hard surface while it is worn. The only solution in this case is to be careful while putting it on and off the wrist.


The watch oscillations are regulated by the escapement and it also assists in keeping accurate time. Know this that you seriously do not want to expose your loved watches to any kind of magnetic field as the escapement can be damaged as it acts erratically. You never know, it might just seize up as well. So, quit placing your timepieces on loud speakers, radios and other electronic devices.